Why I Love Travelling

Why I love travelling

You can probably tell from my feed that I love traveling. From this year’s trip through Southeast Asia, last year’s Central America adventure or traveling within Canada, travel is a big part of my life. My study abroad in Australia had such a huge impact on my life that I created Little Miss Ottawa as a way to challenge myself to experience Ottawa as a traveller would. In Celebration of a travel event on March 28th by Nomad Junkies called #NomadTalks, here is why I love traveling:

Increase Happiness

Whenever a friend or family member comes back from a trip they always have a huge smile and can’t wait to tell you about the highlights! Research from San Francisco State University showed that people are happier when they spend money on experiences and they feel the money is better spent. I save the majority of my money on travel for my ever-growing bucket list. Whether they’re abroad or local, experiences are something I truly value.  

I may have some mismatched furniture but nothing can compare to the feeling you get after surfing in Nicaragua or snorkeling in Bali! You need to try it for yourself 🙂 Experiences like these are my incentive to save for travel.

Make Friends for Life

Your happiness increases from experiences, but its also the impact of people you meet along the way that adds to the equation. Some of my best trips were when I went alone and I truly did meet friends for life. Now I have people I can visit all over the world. It’s so easy to build friendships with other travellers because everyone is open to meeting new people. Everyone is going through the same thing as you and it bonds you together so quickly.

I jumped into my study abroad in Australia knowing no one. I left with friendships that will last a lifetime. There’s something about going through that experience together that has bonded us for life.

Gain Inspiration

If I feel like I’ve hit a wall creatively, its time for a trip. I always come back from a trip bursting with new ideas that I can’t wait to put into action! There is something about being somewhere new where your senses are so activating constantly that sure helps with the creative process. When I come back from a trip I feel like I’m seeing Ottawa through new eyes. Each trip will change you in a brilliant way.

In Turkey, there were recycling bins where if you put in your plastic bottle it would dispense food for the stray cats and dogs! I thought that was such a great way to encourage recycling.

Time to Reset

If I’m starting to feel worn down by work then I know its time for a trip. Travel is the easiest way for me to reset. I find being in a new environment is the best way for me to reset and feel refreshed. More times than not its an exciting adventure instead of a relaxing vacation for me, but that new environment does wonders.

In Greece, my friend was feeling the heat so we brought her to a restaurant where the staff helped her and the owner said that we need to learn to take a break because the heat will be too much for us. What that man said stuck with me because in North America we’re not very good at taking breaks but having that rest is important.  

Experience a New Culture

There is no better way to experience a new culture than by immersing yourself in a new country. From Thai cuisine, hospitality in Bali, stunning landscapes in El Salvador, Angkor Wat, these are all these you need to experience first hand. Every time I visit a new culture I take a piece of it back home with me.

Nothing beats authentic Thai cuisine! My second time visiting Thailand I made sure to take a cooking class because I regretted in my first time around. I am so excited to be able to recreate it for myself now and bring a small piece of Thailand home with me.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Travel is not always a walk in the park but its worth it. For every bump in the road, I’ve faced while abroad, it’s always made me a stronger person and I know how to act when faced with that situation again. There’s also going times when you feel uncomfortable. Maybe you’re traveling solo, you need directions, or you don’t speak the language. These situations force you to get out of your comfort zone and when you look back you’ll be thankful for how you navigated them.

From my solo exchange to group trips, it can be awkward not knowing people at first but you just have to put your best foot forward. By the end of the trip, you feel like you’ve known everyone forever! The feeling of uncomfort passes so don’t let it hold you back!

Once In A Lifetime Experiences

When you travel, you’ll have unique experiences that you’re not able to recreate. From hiking a volcano for sunrise, snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, staying with a family in Nicaragua, hiking through the jungle, or a hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia, there are countless once in a lifetime experiences that you’ll have while abroad. Nothing beats experiencing these activities first hand. I’m so grateful to have had these experiences.

We spent a few days in Cappadocia to make sure we would be able to take a hot air balloon ride. Cappadocia is the best place for commercial hot air balloon rides because of its stunning landscape and climate, they fly 300 days out of the year. Going up in the air on my first hot air balloon ride surrounded by other balloons is one of my top travel experiences!

Do You Love Travelling Too?

The list of reasons why I love traveling could go on forever. If you love traveling too, check out Nomad Junkies coming to Ottawa! They’re hosting #NomadTalks with Canadians Abroad for their first edition of this series on March 28th at the NAC. It’s a series of conferences inspiring you to travel further, longer and more often! You can buy your ticket here.

The night will have 3 talks, all travel inspired. It’s a great opportunity to gain some inspiration for your next trip and meet some like-minded travelers in the Ottawa community.

The first talk is “How to Make the Most of Your Working Holiday Visa” by Safia & Emilie from Nomad Junkies (Bilingual Talk). If you’ve ever been interested in working abroad while traveling, this presentation is for you! Before I went on my exchange to Australia my school put on a presentation to discuss visas and to this day I’m very thankful for it. Visas can get a bit complex so hearing from people who have gone through the process helps a ton.

“From Canada to Africa: How Music Creates Connections Between Humans” by Simon Walls (French Talk). Simon Walls is a songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, music producer, documentarist and adventurer travelling the world to capture images and sounds. Here is take on how music creates connection.

”Travel Photography: How to Capture the Moment While On the Road” par Emily Sheff (English Talk). If you’re interested in getting involved in travel photography, this one is for you. Emily will walk you through some of her best travel shots on the road.

The event will be hosted by Alex Normand from Alex & MJ – On The GO & music by DJ Mars Madness Music from Berlin.

Get your ticket here 🙂

Thanks to NomadJunkies for collaborating on this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Travel is truly something that has been so influential on my life so I hope you enjoy this event 🙂

Julia Weber
Julia Weber

Julia started Little Miss Ottawa as a way to explore her hometown as a traveller would. She’s always planning her next adventure, whether it’s local or abroad. You’ll find her exploring with her camera in hand. She hopes Little Miss Ottawa helps bring you on new and fun adventures. Happy exploring :)

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