Excuses For Not Traveling and How To Overcome Them

Southeast Asia

WARNING: Only read this post if you’re ready to book a trip because you’ll be ready by the end 😉 I’ve received so many messages in the past about my travels. I’ll be having a discussion with someone about some destinations and then they’ll say “I don’t have money” or “I have no time” or another excuse. I’ve been there before too…letting excuses get in the way of my travels. My whole mission with this account is to share resources to make getting out and exploring possible and accessible! I want to encourage you to get out and see the world and love sharing ways to make it happen. My recent trip through Southeast Asia with Free and Easy Traveler (FnEZ) was a life-changing experience and I would love for you to experience it too. If you’re currently on the fence because of one of the following excuses, I’ll help you tackle them. Here’s how to make your next trip happen:

“I have no money”

I’ve definitely caught myself with this excuse before.  It’s definitely a huge consideration when choosing to travel. I put myself on a savings plan so I can fund my big adventures. FnEZ destinations like Southeast Asia are very affordable once you’re there and I spent less money than I do back home in a normal month. Filling meals in Thailand can be as low a $1. The FnEZ tour includes transportation within the country, accommodation and some meals! If you book multiple trips your flight between destinations is also included. FnEZ has a great guide on how to budget depending on your travel type. I’d say the biggest price tag is on your flight to the destination but if you watch flights and look for deals you’ll also be able to save! The more destinations you visit while you’re over there, you can divide the cost of flight by each and it becomes even more cost-effective! To help even more, you can save 10% with the code ‘LITTLEMISSOTTAWA’ on any FnEZ trip!

Personally, I’ll put a bit of each pay cheque towards my “travel fund” as I like to call it. This way it can go towards trips I’m planning or last minute trips if I find a good deal! I’d rather spend my money on experiences than things so it makes saving for new trips easy!

“I have no time”

If you don’t have time now when will you? You have to make travel a part of your schedule. You get a minimum 2 weeks vacation a year so that’s enough to head to plenty of destinations. Pool your vacay together for an epic trip.

One of my regrets during/after University was not travelling more. It was the perfect time because I had less responsibilities. I’m always strategic with my vacation to make sure I can get the most time in each destination. When I worked full time I even took a week unpaid because I wanted to make the most of the destination I was visiting. Every single time I’ve gone on a trip I always wished I had booked for longer. Once you’ve caught the travel bug you’ll want to keep going. Now I pool time together and pick a big destination I want to explore. For 2019 it was Southeast Asia and in 5 weeks I was able to visit Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Bali.

If you work for the government you’re also eligible to take a sabbatical. You could use this to take a few months off to travel 😉

If you feel like you have no time – good chance you’re in need of a vacation. I promise that when you’re at destinations like the Lakehouse, work will be the last thing that’s on your mind! You’ll also wonder why you even let work interfere with your travels before (I know I have)!

Southeast Asia

The Destinations Are Too Far

Once you’ve caught the travel bug, no destination will seem too far. You can start off with a closer destination like Central America and then move on to farther destinations like Southeast Asia. To break up the flying you can spend some time in layover destinations as well. For farther destinations like Southeast Asia, pool your time together so you can make the most of your time over there. Try and book multiple FnEZ tours so you can see and do more.

By doing the 25 Day LTC and Bali trips together I was able to cover more ground and experience 4 unique and incredible countries with their own special charm.

Southeast Asia

“I’m Too Old”

I’ve heard this one a few times but I want to emphasize that you’re never too old to start traveling. As the saying goes ‘better late than never.’ Don’t hold yourself back even longer with the wrong mindset.

No One To Travel With

It might be hard to align schedules with a friend or maybe you want to visit different destinations. Why not visit somewhere alone? I think a solo trip is something everyone should experience once in their life. Sure it might seem uncomfortable not knowing anyone at first but once you meet other travelers you quickly bond and it feels like you’re friends forever. This experience pushes you out of your comfort zone in an incredible way and will sure to be a trip that changes you for the better. When you travel without your friends, you don’t have people to fall back to and it forces you to meet new people. It also makes you less intimidating because people are getting to know one person instead of a friend group with an already established friendship. With group trips, you make instant friends because travelers are willing to put themselves out there and you’re all in it for the same reasons, to experience epic adventures together. Guaranteed there will be other solo travelers who feel the exact same way as you.

Southeast Asia

I Don’t Speak the Language

I have travelled to so many countries, including remote locations where no one spoke English, and this hasn’t been a problem. When you’re in the remote locations, if you have a trip leader then you’re good to go. They’ve been to the destination multiple times and know it’s exactly where to go and what to do.

It’s definitely good to have a few words, not out of necessity but more to say thank you or hello to locals. Our FnEZ leaders always told us a few useful phrases before we made it to a new country.

“I’m Afraid I’ll Get Sick”

Make sure to visit a travel doctor before you go and they’ll give you all the proper shots/medication you’ll need for the areas you’re visiting. I have been sick abroad but you bounce back and continue your trip. You can get sick at home too. Just be smart about the food you’re eating and drinking bottled water if the tap water isn’t safe. Our FnEZ leaders would advise us on restaurants to eat at and the water situations of each destination.

“I’m Too Busy”

This is my biggest excuse for not traveling and I’m going to call myself out on it. Too many times I’ve let this get in the way of a trip. To combat it, I’ve made a promise to myself to go on one big trip a year. I’m always disappointed at the end of the year if I let work get in the way of travel. I always come back from traveling so refreshed and inspired so why would I push off something that is so good for me! It’s not healthy to work all the time and that time away will do wonders!

Clear your schedule because experiences like snorkeling with turtles aren’t worth putting off! No experience will compare!

Southeast Asia

So now that we’ve overcome all the excuses, I’m sure you’re ready to book that trip. Once you’re there, if you’re like me,  you’ll think “why did I let these excuses ever get in the way”. Travel is the best way to experience a new culture and destination. Where will you go next?

Here are some EPIC experiences you need to have in Southeast Asia.

Ps. make sure to save 10% on your own FnEZ trip with code ‘LITTLEMISSOTTAWA’. Let me know where you end up 🙂

Julia Weber
Julia Weber

Julia started Little Miss Ottawa as a way to explore her hometown as a traveller would. She’s always planning her next adventure, whether it’s local or abroad. You’ll find her exploring with her camera in hand. She hopes Little Miss Ottawa helps bring you on new and fun adventures. Happy exploring :)

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